Navigating Life Therapy

About Us

Nadine Halliday

Your Therapist

I have a passion for living a great life. Being the best authentic version of myself for me it matters.

The simple truth is I just got tired of making the same mistakes, feeling crappy and wondering what was the purpose of my life. I wanted more. I wanted to feel peaceful, happy, joyful, loving, passionate and purposeful.

My life changed the moment I decided to learn, find out what drives my behaviour, why I feel like I do and to seek help. Seeking help was one of the best choices I have ever made and continue to make.

So now after years of personal self-development and study for my Diploma of Integrated Somatic Body Psychotherapy. I offer my services to you. For me there is nothing more beautiful than seeing someone embrace their authentic self and find their own unique happy.

A therapist is a guide who has the training and tools to assist a person in discovering, defining and healing one's self.

“You are what you do, not what you say you will do’ – Carl Jung

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Welcome to Navigating Life Therapy


Health & Lifestyle Development


Private Therapy

Safe, supportive & confidential therapy tailored to meet a client’s needs


Group Grounding

Honouring one’s own body, feelings & emotions in the present moment


Energy Balancing

A gentle chelation style healing focused on balancing energies & the chakras



Learn, heal, connect, release, create & embrace as a shared experience

4 Workshops - 4 Days - 4 Opportunities

2022 Mackay
Wellness Workshops