Navigating Life Therapy

Group Grounding

Ground your energy, Release the blocks & Unleash your life force

What is grounding?

The importance of being able to know how to ground, and maintain the sense of being grounded in life, is tied into our nervous system. Our nervous system is made up of the brain, spinal cord and nerves. It allows us to walk, speak, swallow, breathe and learn. This essentially means it controls much of what we think, feel and how we react in our bodies. So you can see why we are passionate about learning, and being able to ground oneself considering the fast pace of the world we live in!

To ground is to bring awareness and consciousness back into our body (inward focus); rather than outside of ourselves on the many people, tasks, commitments and worries that demand our attention day to day.

When we are grounded we can feel all of our body, there is freedom and flow of energy, an awareness of who we are at our core, an awareness of the emotions we are experiencing providing an opportunity to make healthier choices

We use a variety of methods to help one become grounded – breath, movement, expression, sound, sensation tracking & stillness.

  • Inward focus – Sensations, Feelings & Thoughts
  • Letting go of internal noise – Releasing
  • Freedom & flow of energy – Movement & Expression
  • Release stress, anxiety and tension – In Mind & Body

Grounding Sessions

Duration: 45 minutes
Doors open 15 minutes prior
Wear comfortable clothing

First class free!
$15 Single Session

Ask about our memberships

Contact Nadine

    Our testimonials

    What people are saying!


    “Profound, Thought Provoking, Enlightening”

    Nadine’s grounding sessions allow me to take time for self-awareness. I’ve been able to let out built-up emotions, giving me clarity and calmness.

    Nyree, Self-employed Mum & Wife
    Mackay, October 2022

    “Do yourself a favour and book a Session”

    I felt frustrated with work pressures and life, so I booked a private grounding session with Nadine. I was surprised with just how much energy I shifted and released. I walked out feeling like I had just come back from a week’s holiday.

    Male Business Owner & Entrepreneur
    April 2022

    “Leaving me Feeling Balanced and Calm”

    Grounding sessions give me the opportunity to listen to my inner self and reflect on how I am truly feeling. Nadine has an uncanny knack for discerning the dynamics of a session and puts everyone at ease.

    Jess F.
    October 2022

    Health & Lifestyle Development


    Private Therapy

    Safe, supportive & confidential therapy tailored to meet a client’s needs


    Group Grounding

    Honouring one’s own body, feelings & emotions in the present moment


    Energy Balancing

    A gentle chelation style healing focused on balancing energies & the chakras



    Learn, heal, connect, release, create & embrace as a shared experience