Private Therapy
Safe, supportive & confidential private therapy sessions

Body (somatic) Psychotherapy and Core Energetics
Body Psychotherapy is a modality of therapy that focuses on a persons mental processes (mind) and physical characteristics (body). In particular how they both work together. You may have heard the phrase (or experienced yourself) “My mind tells me one thing and my heart is telling me another”. Thus creating an internal struggle in the human body.
At Navigating Life Therapy we also incorporate the practice and principals of Core Energetics, founded by John Pierrakos MD. Core Energetics includes the mind and body in the healing process, as well as a person’s spiritual connection and emotions, providing a wholistic approach to therapy.
Bringing the Unconscious to Consciousness. In Body Psychotherapy the body plays a key role in how a persons lives their life, interacts with others and feels on a daily basis. So much of what is ‘unconscious’ can be found to be held in the body via blocks, tensions, pain, muscle armouring and restricted breathing. By utilising different techniques, we can help move these blocks, release tensions to create healthy energy flow, thus allowing our natural vitality to emerge (life force).
When we work with the body, very often, held in emotions, unconscious blocks, patterns, and trauma is revealed. What is brought to consciousness, then has the invitation to heal in a safe, supportive and professional space.
The techniques used during a therapy session, under the guidance of the therapist, work towards identifying where blocks are held in the body, the underlying emotional wound/challenge, and the behaviour patterns that are preventing a client moving forward in life.
My focus, as a therapist, is on assisting my clients where they are at, with whatever issues or challenges they may be experiencing in life at that moment.
“Energy and consciousness are in a continual state of interaction: energy is shaped and directed by consciousness which is itself driven by energy” John Pierrakos
Private Therapy
Private Therapy Session
Duration: 60 minutes
Cost: $125 per session
*First Session please allow 1 hour 20 minutes (no extra charge)
Rewarding Your Commitment to You
Pay for 5 sessions upfront ($625)
Receive $100 off the total price

Contact Nadine
A Brief History
The late John Pierrakos, MD, originally developed the field of Bioenergetics with Alexander Lowen. Whilst seeing the successful results of this field, he would later add another element to the field of Bioenergetics, thus developing the field of Core Energetics in the early 1970’s after meeting Eva Broch. Eva, who was a successful and inspirational psychic channel, developed a system of spiritual development called Pathwork. John would later go on to marry Eva.
The introduction of spirituality in the healing process was found to have a deeper and longer lasting effect on helping a person to more fully embody the changes they were seeking in their life.
“Every human being senses an inner longing that goes deeper than the longings for emotional and creative fulfillment. This longing comes from sensing that another, more fulfilling state of consciousness and a larger capacity to experience life must exist.” Pathwork Lecture 204, Eva Pierrakos
What people are saying!

“Profound, Thought Provoking, Enlightening”
Nadine’s grounding sessions allow me to take time for self-awareness. I’ve been able to let out built-up emotions, giving me clarity and calmness.

“Do yourself a favour and book a Session”
I felt frustrated with work pressures and life, so I booked a private grounding session with Nadine. I was surprised with just how much energy I shifted and released. I walked out feeling like I had just come back from a week’s holiday.

“Leaving me Feeling Balanced and Calm”
Grounding sessions give me the opportunity to listen to my inner self and reflect on how I am truly feeling. Nadine has an uncanny knack for discerning the dynamics of a session and puts everyone at ease.
Health & Lifestyle Development

Energy Balancing
A gentle chelation style healing focused on balancing energies & the chakras